
hydraulic propulsion中文是什么意思

  • 喷射驱动



  • 例句与用法
  • Abstract : conventional ship propulsion methods meet some limitations in ship development towards high - speed , large - scale and high - power . a new ship propulsion method , integrated hydraulic propulsion ( ihp ) , was put forward to solve the problem . then further research work was done on the principle of ihp method . working condition - matching characteristic was discussed through the working condition matching characteristic chart . after that , the advantages and disadvantages of ihp method were given . and the pump and motor , important parts of ihp , was designed through physical analytical method . ihp method can be used extensively in some special kinds of ship for its own characteristics . to a certain extent , the limitation problem of ship propulsion method can be solved . ihp method diversifies the existing ship propulsion methods
  • Conventional ship propulsion methods meet some limitations in ship development towards high - speed , large - scale and high - power . a new ship propulsion method , integrated hydraulic propulsion ( ihp ) , was put forward to solve the problem . then further research work was done on the principle of ihp method . working condition - matching characteristic was discussed through the working condition matching characteristic chart . after that , the advantages and disadvantages of ihp method were given . and the pump and motor , important parts of ihp , was designed through physical analytical method . ihp method can be used extensively in some special kinds of ship for its own characteristics . to a certain extent , the limitation problem of ship propulsion method can be solved . ihp method diversifies the existing ship propulsion methods
  • 推荐英语阅读
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